45-Lb., Poly Hopper with Cam Gauge for Insecticides and Herbicides
- 45-lb. capacity poly hopper (translucent) with UV and anti-static protection
- Translucent weather-tight cover with latch straps
- U-frame bracket with 1/2" pre-drilled holes and slots for surface mounting
- Bolt-on stainless steel bottom and slide are mated and precision tooled- removes easily for cleaning
- Precision cam-gauge sets rate - uses top of the stop as gauge point and adjusts openings in applicator's bottom. When tightened, gauge maintains position
- Rugged, five bladed 8" rubber rotor bar supplies material to openings and restricts material flow when rotor drive stops
- Porous, oil-impregnated bearings
- Weather-guard seals and bearing retainers
Choice of drives - 12-volt, hydraulic or ground drive (non-speed compensated); Band product with 5", 7", 10" or 14" Ro-Banders; To connect hoppers when mounted in-line there are two connector drive packages; Hopper extension for an additional 30 lbs., of capacity; Adjustable (14"-24") tool bar mount
Can I leave product overnight in the hopper?
Gandy recommends that you always remove any leftover product from the hopper and clean the hopper after each use. However, if product is left overnight in the applicator, disconnect the drive by pulling the hairpin cotters and turn each rotor by hand one or two revolutions. Using only a hairpin cotter as a lever, you should have to exert only moderate to light effort to turn the rotor. If more force is required to turn the rotor, empty the contents of the hopper and clean before using.
Do I need to calibrate my applicator or just follow the settings in the rate chart?
Gandy recommends that you always perform a calibration check. Variables such as the age of the chemical, formulation, humidity and temperature affect flow characteristics.
Does ground speed affect rates?
Yes. Even though the opening size does not change, speed is an important factor. For example, if your applicator is calibrated at 6 mph, but you are driving at 3 mph, you are applying twice the desired rate.
Does the rotor speed determine the amount of product dispensed from the applicator?
No. Gandy applicators depend upon gravity flow of particles through carefully adjusted openings. Within limits, rotor speed does not affect application rates. Rotor speeds between 10 and 20 rpm are acceptable. The sprocket ratio provided achieves this.
If you are applying a very high rate of material requiring a gauge setting of 60 to 80, some minor pulsations in the flow of granules may occur if the rotor is not running fast enough. If the rotor turns easily and you are driving only 1 or 2 hoppers per motor, you can replace the standard 32T driven sprocket with a 24T sprocket and increase the rotor speed.
How do I set the cam-gauge?
Move the slide away from the stop. Turn the cam to the proper setting using the top of the stop as the gauge point. Secure the wing nut on the cam gauge and slide the bottom and cam against the stop. Be sure to double-check that the cam-gauge is securely fixed at your specified setting.
If I change the band width, does it affect my rates?
A change in band width changes the application rate. For example, if you set the gauge for a 14-inch band, but applied in a 10-inch band, you would be applying a heavier rate on the treated area. Likewise, an applicator dispensing material from two openings set for one-opening will give you a heavier rate over the treated area.
What are some examples of granular herbicides used with a cam-gauge row applicator?
Avadex BW, Avadex 10G , Betasan 12.5G, Balan 2.5 G, , Casoron 4G, Dacthal 5G, Dual 25G, Dual II-G, Dyelomec 4G, Eptam 10G, Far-Go, Lasso 11, Ordram 10G, Norosac 4G, Norosac 10G, Princep 4G, XL2G, Ramrod 20G, Ronstar G 2%, Sutazine +18-6G, Tillam 10G, Treflan TR-10, Treflan QR5, Team 2G, Vernam 10G, XL2G and similar products.
What are some examples of granular pesticides used with a cam-gauge row applicator?
Counter 15G, Counter CR, Dasanit 15G, Dasanit-Di Syston 10-5G, Diazinon 14G, Di-Syston 15G, Dipel 10G, Dyfonate 10G, Dyfonate 20G, Furadan 15G, Lorsban 15G, Mocap PCNB 3-10G G, Mocap 10G, Mocap Plus, Mocap 15G, Nemacur 15G, Nemacur 10G, Pounce 1.5G, Nufos 15G, Ridomil PC 11G, Ridomil 5G, Subdue 5G, Terraclor Super X, (18.8G-GR), Terraclor Super X with Di-Syston, Terraclor 10G, Thimet 15G & 20G, Terraclor with Mocap, and similar products.
What are the power requirements for the standard (no. 09099928) 12-volt (1/64 hp) electric motor when used with a poly applicator?
Under normal load with two hoppers, each motor will draw between 3 and 4 amps. Under adverse conditions the load will increase up to 5 amps, indicating the rotor is not turning freely and the bearings may need to be cleaned. Changing from a steel rotor to a neoprene rotor may be necessary. In addition, road travel with filled hoppers can cause compaction making it difficult for the motor to start. Gandy recommends always filling the hoppers before use in the field. Please note: under normal load the motor will run hot.
What are the power requirements for the (no. 09099929) 12-volt (1/32 hp) electric motor when used with a poly applicator?
Under normal load with three hoppers, each motor will draw between 5 and 6 amps. Under adverse conditions the load will increase up to 7 amps, indicating the rotor is not turning freely and the bearings may need to be cleaned. Changing from a steel rotor to a neoprene rotor may be necessary. In addition, road travel with filled hoppers can cause compaction making it difficult for the motor to start. Gandy recommends always filling the hoppers before use in the field. Please note: under normal load the motor will run hot.
What seeds are typically used?
Flax, yellow mustard and similar seeds.